Monday, September 24, 2007

I’m excited about a new and very low-tech piece of equipment I recently purchased for our personal training studio at 860 Fitness. The equipment is two simple chains suspended from the cross bar of our cable tower. I’m excited because this simple training apparatus not only gives me and my clients a fierce full body workout by taking away most of the stability our bodies are used to, it also has reminded me of how much fun exercising can be. I love a challenge, especially a physical one and these chains don’t disappoint. Since I started incorporating this new equipment into my personal workouts they have become more intense, focused, and creative, bringing a new element into my routine which I look forward to daily. I’ve also added exercises that I love, but haven’t done recently because of mental staleness.
I first tried the chains with my 13 year old son, Jace. He was a little shaky at first, but enthusiastic nonetheless. Soon he was able to perform the basic, albeit difficult moves we were working on. Then, I repeated the process with Sensei Matthew and Sensei Brandon, and finally with one of my ‘forty-something’ fitness clients. All were delighted because they could feel how much these exercises will improve their overall strength.

So why is this important to you? Because it takes courage to break old habits. Courage is vital to freedom. If you want to be free of old habits, in this case old exercise habits, you need a dose of courage. Courage is often a product of inspiration, which usually happens when you witness someone do something that you know you can do--but you just haven’t yet. So, if my little story of exercise success is even a little inspiring, then maybe I’ve helped someone step up and make a change for the better. Remember, anyone can be inspired to make positive shifts in his or her life.
Do something today to move forward with y
our fitness routine. If you don’t have a routine and want some help, call us at the 860 Fitness. 457-FIT1 (3481)