Basic Tips for Getting a Flat Stomach
Have you ever seen an info-mercial selling a device to “flatten” your Abs (abdominal muscles)? I’ll bet you have. You may have even considered buying one—if so, you’re not alone. A widely popular misunderstanding about Abs devices is that they will flatten your stomach. The truth is they will do little or nothing to give you the results you desire. The reason is that these products cannot eliminate the layer of fat that lies on top of your abdominal muscles.
If a flatter stomach is what you want, you need a basic understanding of how the ab muscles work and how your body burns fat. First, you must understand the difference between muscle and fat. Muscle is comprised of fibers that contract to produce movement. Fat is excess calories that mostly gets stored in layers on top of muscle tissue. Fat will never turn to muscle and muscle will never turn to fat. However, you can lose muscle and gain fat-and vice versa.
If you want a leaner stomach decrease the layers of fat that are on top of your abs. The best way to do that is by combining strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and stable blood sugar—yes, that means you have to eat to lose body fat.
1. Do some form of progressive strength training. There are muscles that flex your torso forward, to the side, and muscles that rotate your torso. Incorporate the following types of exercises:
* 1-2 forward flexion exercises (sit-ups, crunches, etc.)
* 1-2 side flexion exercises (side crunches, side bends, etc.)
*1-2 rotational exercises (standing twists, trunk rotations, etc.)
Train your abs no more than 3 times per week and make it a little harder each time.
2. Do short, HARD cardio workouts to increase your metabolism. If done correctly, cardio exercise can raise your metabolism for 4-24 hours after your workout. This means you’re less likely to store excess calories as body fat because those calories are more likely to be burned up by your elevated metabolism. But you have to go Hard ! No mental mushiness.
3. Stabilize your blood sugar. This is the most important aspect of a flatter stomach. Feed your body every 3 hours or so. Make sure the calories come from whole foods like fruit, whole grains, veggies, and lean protein. Try to make healthy choices, but don’t feel like if you eat a cheeseburger it’s guaranteed to be stored as fat-don’t obsess, just be SMART.
4. Get the help of a professional. I mean a personal trainer. Most people don’t know enough about nutrition and the effects of exercise to successfully meet their health and fitness goals. Others know too much and have trouble sifting through all the information. Ask yourself, “Am I happy with my current progress or condition?” If your answer is “no,” consider getting help from a fitness professional. Don’t depend on articles in magazines or TV shows-you might think they’re talking to you, but they have no idea who you are, what you need, or what your limits are. Only you and a fitness professional can make the right plan for you to achieve your fitness goals, and in less time than you might think!
Call us today to schedule a workout. We’ll help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
Remember to consult a healthcare professional before starting a fitness routine as described in this article.
Scott and Jeanne
415-457-FIT1 (3481)