Friday, October 20, 2006

Learning or honing a skill while you exercise is a great way to stay motivated to workout. A main reason classes like martial arts, yoga, kick boxing, and step-aerobics classes are so popular is that they challenge the mind while challenging the body. As humans, we need to continuously grow and move toward goals to remain happy which often means learning a new skill.
Learning a skill while working out also cause you to focus and concentrate. When your mind is fully engaged in what you’re doing during exercise the positive effects are multiplied. In short, you get a better workout in less time.
The human body was made to move and there is no machine better at learning than the human brain. When we combine these natural inclinations into an activity that is rigorous enough to make us sweat and cause the brain to release endorphins we feel a great sense of wellbeing. Isn’t that strange that we are already made to feel good when we exercise?
If you have a different view of exercise than this, perhaps it’s the dehumanizing effects of excessive desk work, couch surfing, computer using, or just plain laziness. Get up, get out, and get moving-reconnect with your body and mind.
If you’re feeling in a rut with your exercise routine-or need to start one-try an exercise class like the ones we’ve mentioned here. Remember, a good teacher should teach, motivate, model, and push just enough to make us stretch passed our self-imposed comfort zones.
Be patient, be brave, and go for it. Call us if you need a nudge.

Scott and Jeanne
860 Fitness
457-FIT1 (3481)

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